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About the Program

Office of Naval Research researcher works to reprogram an unmanned vehicle prior to testing.
(Courtesy of the Office of Naval Research)

SERVE, which stands for Shaping Experiential Research for Veteran Education (SERVE) Program, aims to recruit veterans into the program, conduct research training aligned with Navy research and development priorities, and help place veterans within the workforce through the Navy and with other key industry partners.  SERVE, at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, (UT) is partnered with the Veterans in Engineering program at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNC Charlotte).

SERVE provides an avenue for US military veterans to earn graduate degrees in STEM fields to fill the pipeline for a strong Naval STEM workforce. We believe that Naval research conducted by veteran students is highly impactful as a result of their military experience, maturity, and discipline.

An estimated 18,000 veterans are out-processed at bases in Tennessee and North Carolina annually. Many veterans have the desire to continue serving and protecting the Nation. Simultaneously, the Navy and corporations need leaders with research experience.

SERVE implements research important to the Navy that will enable veterans to continue serving our country while also advancing their careers. Veterans participating in this research will be particularly prepared for future careers in the Naval civilian R&D workforce or defense industry.